
The content of this blog represents my views and my experiences and mine alone. They do not represent the views of the Peace Corps or the United States Government.

Friday, February 4, 2011

EEEK...is this normal?

How do you deal with the stress of waiting? I feel like I have hit the point of obsession...

Seriously, I need some tips. On Monday I received the wonderful early AM e-mail that stated my status had been updated. When I logged in I was greeted with:

MedicalComplete. A decision has been reached regarding your medical review. Please look for a letter in the mail.

Is this normal? I am slightly paranoid that it means I am getting deferred or rejected since it didn't just say that I have no holds the way my dental did.

I am rather proud of myself that I apparently submitted a complete packet because they never asked more additional information...although this also makes me paranoid because maybe they didn't ask for more information because it was obvious that I wouldn't pass the health portion anyway...

I have also begun to obsessively check my mail...on Monday it was probably pretty unlikely I would receive the letter seeing as how I had just received the e-mail; however, I figured it was worth a shot. However, the last few days I have checked the mail and legitimately have thought there would be a letter in my box...but no such luck. How long does it typically take for the letter to reach you?

Lots of questions. Any input would be appreciated.


  1. Totally normal! It means that they've reached a decision and your letter is in the mail (probably that you have been medically cleared!). That's exactly what my status update was when I was medically cleared. I also submitted a fully complete medical kit with nothing missing... doesn't mean that they need anything else from you or that they are rejecting you! : )

    There is more waiting and obsessive email/mailbox checking to come... be prepared! Check out PCJ daily for sure.. it helps alleviate that RAS (Restless Applicant Syndrome) to know that others are going through the same thing! Good luck with the rest of your application process!

  2. I got that status update, but never got a letter. (I was medically cleared). I also got called by the nurse about some follow up questions (thank goodness I didn't have to do any more tests, she just wanted to clarify some things). Once I was medically cleared it took about 3 weeks before I received my invite (no call from PO). So I say you are near the end!
    As for RAS, well no real tips on that. Like srmcglynn said, just knowing that everyone who is applying for the PC is in the same boat! Believe me, after the invite time only seems to speed up until you have to leave. Good Luck with everything!!!

  3. Don't stress! My medical waiting period was very similar. No problems, but also no communication until status update. I wish they could just say "The decision is made... and it's good" in your status, but then Peace Corps would not uphold it's veil of mystery. I think if there are issues, they usually contact you first and inform you of any problems with your medical file. Post medical clearance is typically the shortest waiting window (according to my experience and applicant timelines I have found on wiki), however it also seems to be the most annoying and stressful. I heard from placement within a week of my status update, actually before I got that letter in the mail, so I knew I was in the clear medically. From there I had my final interview within 3 weeks of medical clearance and my invite arrived today. I was medically cleared Jan 8 ! It all depends on when you were nominted, but if it is in the next few months I think it's safe to say they will be trying to place you soon! Good luck! Don't stress too much!!!!
